
Weight Loss Surgery

Obesity is a major health problem affecting approximately 500 million people world wide. Approximately 4.5 million deaths occurred because of obesity related comorbidities and it shortens the life span of those who suffers it. Obesity is no longer a problem of the affluent societies and western world. It was now a common problem not only in in the United States but also in Asia. In 2008, in India, percentage of Adult polulation with a BMI of more than 30 is 2.8% which has increased to more than 20% in 2017!!!

Obesity tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic contribution. However, family members also tend to share the same diet and lifestyle habits.


Environment also plays a role in obesity. Environmental factors include what and how often a person eats, a person’s level of activity and behavioral factors. We have come to realize that obesity is a chronic condition and a lifelong battle that requires long-term lifestyle changes.

The treatment of obesity can be difficult, especially when the patient does not have a correctable endocrine problem, such as a thyroid disorder. Low-calorie, low-fat diets along with exercise – usually are recommended to treat obesity. “Crash” diets and appetite suppressants generally are appropriate only under very specific conditions.


Result of weight loss surgery

Most patients will lose about 66 to 80 percent of their excess body weight with the gastric bypass procedure. Substantial weight loss occurs 3 months to 12 months after surgery; some weight regain is normal and can be expected at two to five years after surgery.

In addition to weight loss, surgery has been found to have a beneficial effect on many medical conditions such as: diabetes, hypertension, acid reflux, sleep apnea, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), urinary stress incontinence, low back pain, and many others. Our research has shown that 80% of our diabetic patients had remission from their diabetes (the blood sugar is normal on no medication). Many patients report an improvement in mood and other aspects of psychosocial functioning after surgery.
The overall quality of life is improved. Many patients express elation on being able to do things that may seem trivial to the non-obese person, such as, improvement in personal hygiene, going to the store, playing with their children, getting in and out of a car, riding a roller coaster, shopping for regular sized clothes … the list is endless. Also, because most surgeries are performed laparoscopically (minimaly invasive surgery), patients will typically experience shorter hospital stays, smaller incisions and quicker recovery periods.

Benefits of weight loss surgery

Health consequences of severe obesity, or comorbidities, affect most of the organs in the body. Most of these problems can be greatly improved, or entirely resolved, with successful weight loss. Most people have actually observed this, at least for short periods, after a weight loss by dieting. Unfortunately, with dieting, such benefits usually do not last, because weight loss from diets does not often last. We have shown that the weight loss achieved with Roux-en- Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy can reduce an average of 66 to 80 percent of excess body weight, and can be maintained for years following surgery. We instruct patients in a very simple program, which is much easier to follow when one is not constantly deprived on a diet.

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