Medical management of obesity is suggested for those patients whose BMI is <35 kg/m2.
It includes diet and life style management and also the addition of certain medicines to aid in weight loss.
Obesity management is always multi dimensional.
Diet and Lifestyle modifications are the mainstay for for patients who are overweight but not obese (BMI > 25 kg/m2 to < 30 Kg/m2).
For Class 1 Obesity ( BMI > 30 kg/m2 – 35 kg/m2) diet and exercise alone may not suffice.
These patients may need certain medicines to achieve weight loss.
These medicines are not to be taken without the advise of a trained weight loss doctor as they can have many side effects.
Metabolic Remodulation
This is plan which is an individualised, highly effective plan. This entails a thorough metabolic evaluation of patient with blood and urine tests, anthopometric measurements, ultrasounds and other tests. This plan has multiple phases which are curated as per every individual.
A) Intensive phase
This is a 2 week program which helps the patient start losing weight healthily. The weight loss is significant and the inch loss is even more profound.
All patients are re evaluated at the end of the Intensive phase with Weight and Anthopometrics
B) Accelerated phase
This is a 3 month program where a diet plan is designed which is patient centric and takes into consideration food habits, diet preferences and other eating habits.
Patients receive regular support from our Specialist Dr. Sushant Wadhera who takes great personal care in developing the plan for every single patient.
Patients are re-evaluated after 3 months again with certain blood tests, weight loss assessment and Anthopometric evaluation.
C) Cruising Phase
This highly individualised phase helps the patients maintain the weight loss they would have achieved and also provides them knowledge about various food groups and food choices they can make.
With our plan, the patient can easily control the urges for processed and junk foods.
Apart from that the person has a tremendous sense of well being and a greater sense of clarity.
They are able to get over their food fixation and can focus on other things in life rather than food.