Anal Abscess and Fistula in Ano are common diseases involving the rectum and anal region.
Fistula In Ano
Anal abscess
What causes Anal Abscess and Fistula in Ano
Anal Abscess
They are the result of an acute infection in the internal anal glands. Bacteria, fecal material or foreign matter clogs an anal gland, which becomes infected and the pus collects in a cavity called an Anal Abscess.
Fistula in Ano
Fistula in ano occurs in up to 50% of patients with anal abscesses. It is a tunnel which forms under the skin and connects to the anal canal. It is formed as the clogged infected glands burst into the anal canal. A Fistula in Ano can be present in certain other diseases like Crohn’s Disease.
Perianal Pain, which is throbbing in nature. A Painful, red lump around the anus. Patient may present with pus discharge. Some complain of difficulty in sitting as well.
Fistula In Ano
Most commonly it presents with an external opening which is away
Fistula In Ano
from the anal opening. It may be associated with pus discharge.
Patient may give a history of an Anal Abscess.
Crohn’s disease may sometimes present as fistula in ano.
What are the treatment options?
Medical management with Antibiotics alone is usually not sufficient.
Surgery is the mainstay of treatment.
Anal Abscess
These need to be incised & drained.
Sometimes may require wound debridement along with the drainage.
Fistula in Ano
Fistulectomy/ Fistulotomy
Fistulectomy Specimen
The entire fistulous tunnel is removed. As a result, there is a very low recurrence rate (<1-2 %)